Crafting a Dynamic Cover Letter for Today’s Market

How do you write a modern cover letter, one that will win you the job of your dreams? Itโ€™s no longer the case of showing your achievements; nowadays, you have to show why you want to work in a given company and how you can be an asset to it. Donโ€™t worry; we have the exact cover letter writing tips you need in 2024!

Cover Letters in 2024: The Basics

Letโ€™s start with the basics. Do you even need a cover letter? Absolutely! While some recruiters have a no-cover-letter mindset, the majority will see it as an asset, even if writing one is optional. After all, you put all the effort into writing one, showing that you’re motivated to land this particular job.

What should your cover letter look like in 2024? It should focus on what you can bring to the table and why you want to sit there. No longer should you just list all your achievements and qualifications. Instead, you need to put them into the context of the position and company you are applying to.

How long should your cover letter be? You donโ€™t want to exceed one page. At the same time, remember to section it into three paragraphsโ€”you want it to be easy for the recruiter to scan.

cover letters in 2024

Our Expert Cover Letter Writing Tips

Knowing the basics, letโ€™s get to the most important part of this articleโ€”our cover letter writing tips. What do you need to know?

Start Strong

โ€œI am writing to you in order to apply for the role of a cover letter writerโ€โ€”it sounds dull, doesnโ€™t it? And it shouldnโ€™t.

When a recruiter receives tens of cover letters, they will likely scan them instead of reading them thoroughly. Thatโ€™s why you can win (or lose) the most on the lead to your letter. If the introduction is boring and repetitive, youโ€™ve already lost points (and the recruiterโ€™s interest). Thatโ€™s why you should start with something strong and creative.

For instance, use a rhetorical question instead. โ€œAre you looking for someone who will cover your cover letter writer position? It is so that I have over 10 years of experience!โ€โ€”it sounds much better than the first opening, right? This might not be conservative, but you need to stand out from the beginning of your cover letter if you want to increase your chances of getting hired.

At the same time, donโ€™t overdo this. You might achieve the opposite effect if you try to be too bold or humorous.

Match Your Style with the Tone of Voice of the Company

Researching the company youโ€™re applying to will also be a great idea. You can see their blog, social media posts, and other content and learn their tone of voice. Then, use this knowledge and adapt your cover letter style.

This is especially important for determining whether you should be strictly professional or a bit more casual in your letter.

Use Data

How do you prove that youโ€™re the perfect person for the job? Use data! If you have any statistics or numbers that can prove your excellence, donโ€™t be afraid to weave them into your cover letter. After all, as we mentioned before, you want to show the company that you are best for the particular position, and data doesnโ€™t lie.

The Takeaway

As you can see, writing a great cover letter in 2024 requires some creativity, but weโ€™re sure youโ€™ll get a good grasp of it. Rememberโ€”a poor cover letter will do more harm than good, even if writing one is optional; thus, remember to proofread it before sending. And if you feel that writing one is too difficult, donโ€™t worryโ€”see our resumรฉ writing services (cover letter package included!).

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