Executive Resumé Writing Services

Executive leaders require a unique portfolio of documents articulating their advanced value proposition. Our executive, C-suite, and senior-level resumé writing services equip high-level leaders with powerful and compelling documents targeted for distinct audiences.

Staying prepared when executive search firms and recruiters reach out is essential in today’s changing market. We design and write keyword-optimized resumes tailored to your brand, experiences, and accomplishments. This resumé service is for all high-level leaders including, but not limited to, the following titles:

Presidents & Vice Presidents | Senior Leaders | Directors | Regional District Leaders | CEO (Chief Executive Officer) | CFO (Chief Financial Officer) | CIO (Chief Information Officer) | CDO (Chief Diversity Officer)  | CHRO (Chief Human Resources Officer) | CTO (Chief Technology Officer) | CPO (Chief People Officer)

Executives, C-Suite, and Senior-Level Resumé Writing Services Fees – $1,395 – $1,595

Our Services Include:

  • Initial Consult & Written Intake
  • Resumé
  • Cover Letter Package (Introductory Note, Formal Cover Letter, Follow-Up Note)
  • Reference Page
  • Three Revision Rounds
  • Phone Calls & Email Support
  • “Next Steps” Strategy Call

Executives, C-Suite, and Senior-Level Resumé Writing Deliverables

Resumé – During our initial discussion, we will determine your goals and discuss the importance of tailoring your resumé to fit specific roles. We will shape your career story and create career marketing resources that can catapult you to the next level.

Cover Letter Package – We write cover letters that make connections, address organizational needs, and lead to action. Share the “why” behind your passion and interest in a new role with a cover letter that sets you apart and showcases your value. You will receive an introductory note that can be customized for reaching out to initial contacts, a formal cover letter, and a follow-up note that can be used to reiterate your value.

Reference Page – A curated list of leaders who have endorsed your executive strengths with compelling testimonials is a powerful way to showcase your value. Your resumé package will include this list so that it is a readily available document in your career marketing portfolio.

Our Systematic Resumé Writing Process for High-Level Executive Leaders

Our approach to executive resumé writing services for high-level leaders will position you for your next opportunity. Our high-touch interactive process is designed to equip you with a portfolio of documents aligned with your career goals, speaking engagements, board positions, and community engagement initiatives.

Step One – Onboarding

Our collaboration starts with an introductory call to learn about your career goals and executive strengths. You will also complete a career history questionnaire, followed by an onboarding call.

Step Two – Strategy, Writing, and Revisions

Once we have clarity about your work history, notable accomplishments, and goals, we will develop a career marketing strategy and begin the writing process. We will communicate in writing to conduct the revision phase based on your valued feedback. This process may take up to three rounds as you read, consider, ask questions, and reread your documents.

Step Three – Finalization

Once the editing process is complete and you are excited about your new resumé, we will send you a final resumé package in both PDF and Word format and conduct a 15-minute “next steps” strategy session to set you on the right path toward success.

Get Started Today!

Send a message or schedule an introductory phone call. Once we speak, you’ll receive an invoice number, a recap of our discussion and some instructions via email.