Job Interview & Salary Negotiation Coaching Services

As an experienced professional, you’ve interviewed for several jobs, but do you have a strategy for interviewing based on your current skills, experiences, and the role you seek? With our interview coaching services, you can get prepared and feel confident about your next interview.

Job Interview Coaching Fees – $295 – $495

Our Deliverables Include:

  • 45-Minute Mock Interview
  • Custom Questions Based on Your Current Role & Position of Interest
  • Immediate Feedback with Critiqued Responses
  • Post-Interview Follow-Up Strategies
  • Support via Email Plus a 15-minute Customized Coaching Session after Your First Interview

Our Job Interview Coaching Process

Step One – Onboarding

We will start with verbal and written intakes and review your existing career marketing documents.

Step Two – Mock Interview

Once we have reviewed your documents, we will schedule your mock interview and formulate a list of customized questions based on your position of interest.

Step Three – Coaching & Finalization

15-Minute Coaching Follow-Up After Your First Interview

If it has been a while since your last interview and you need to polish your skills, consider a mock interview session. Work one-on-one with a Job Interview coach and ensure you are prepared for your upcoming interview with custom questions, critiqued responses, post-interview follow-up strategies, salary negotiation coaching, and more.

Get Started Today!

Send a message or schedule an introductory phone call. Once we speak, you’ll receive an invoice number, a recap of our discussion and some instructions via email.