The Role of Certifications in Enhancing Your Resume

What is the role of certifications in your resume? They attract the recruiters’ attention, making you stand out from the candidate base, increase your credibility, and may even affect the salary negotiations. How to include your certifications in the CV? Academic ones should be placed in the “Education” section, while you can place the others in a dedicated “Certifications” section, below your work experience but above education. Do you want to learn more? Then we invite you to read on!

The Benefits of Including Certifications in Your CV

Putting certifications in your CV comes with a plethora of advantages. It can be a make or break of getting accepted for the job, but also improve the final offer that you will receive. Let’s look at the benefits in more detail.


First of all, certifications prove your commitment and skills. They make you more authentic and attractive to the employer/recruiter.

Job Prospects

You might not know it and it might not be mentioned in the offer, but some employers look for candidates with particular certifications only. Therefore, including them in your CV might be the true determinant of whether you will be invited for an interview or not.

Salary Negotiation

Showing your certifications might also help you in the later stages of the recruitment process, namely when negotiating the salary. After all, they prove that you are skilled, hence mitigating the risks for the employer and letting them agree on a slightly bigger sum.

Standing Out

Finally, certifications in your resume make you stand out from the crowd. Not all candidates have additional qualifications, diplomas or completed extra courses, so doing so proves your dedication and makes you easier to spot for the recruiter.

Professional certiciations in resume/CV

How to Include Certifications in the CV?

You’ve created a compelling personal statement for your CV, and you’ve written down your experience and education, but what about the certifications? Well, here there are also some rules and tips that can make your resume better, so take a look at our advice.

Certifications Placement

Where to include certifications in the CV? It all depends on what particular courses you completed.

  • Educational certifications – place them in the “Education” section
  • Job-related certifications – place them in a specially designed “Certifications” section under your professional experience and above “Education”.
  • Other certifications – you can place them in the “Skills” section or in the “Certifications” section if you will be creating it anyway.

Certifications Validity

How to include your certifications in the CV? You need to see if they are all valid. Mentioning a certificate that has expired will cause more harm than good, so make sure that everything is up to date.

Certifications Importance

Additionally, you should consider how important your certifications are for the given position – this will be the deciding factor when choosing between a dedicated “Certifications” section or placing them under “Skills” or somewhere on the sidebar of your resume.

Certifications Naming

Include the full name of every certification that you wish to include in your resume. You can also add an abbreviation in parentheses if it’s common. Additionally, put information such as:

  • the issuing organization,
  • date of certification acquisition,
  • location (if applicable).

The Takeaway

You know why and how to include certifications in your CV. Now it’s time to do so! If you feel that you still need some help, check our resume packages – we will help you prepare the perfect CV that will land you the job of your dreams.

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